Climate, travel time and weather forecast for Barcelona
Due to its location on the Mediterranean and the mountains inland, Barcelona has a fairly moderate, mild climate. Winter and midsummer also have their charm in Barcelona.
More information...To make your stay as pleasant and smooth as possible, we have put together an overview of useful information for you.
Here you will find the weather forecast and everything about the climate conditions and the best travel time, information about tourist offices and city maps, as well as practical tips on luggage storage.
Discover the variety of festivals and events, learn how to get around the city with a dog, and get valuable tips on internet usage and telephony. For emergencies, we have gathered important information for you. You will also find rules on smoking bans, store opening hours, and public toilets, as well as tips for souvenirs and gifts.
Dive into the vibrant life of Barcelona and plan your stay with our helpful tips!
Due to its location on the Mediterranean and the mountains inland, Barcelona has a fairly moderate, mild climate. Winter and midsummer also have their charm in Barcelona.
More information...In Barcelona you can safely store your luggage at several places. This is ideal if you arrive by boat, for example, and have some time before flying back. So you can relax and enjoy your time.
More information and booking...In the tourist information you can buy books, postcards, souvenirs, information on events and museums. Even here, you receive free maps. These are usually quite sufficient to navigate in Barcelona.
More information...In Barcelona, celebrations and holidays are very important. The name days of the city's saints are celebrated all year round and there are many street parties and well-known festivals.
More information...In an emergency, it is important to find help quickly. On this page you will find information about medical care in Barcelona, emergency numbers, lost property offices and contact details of diplomatic missions. This way you are well prepared for an emergency.
More information...In Barcelona a free public Wi-Fi network in the entire city will be established, the "Barcelona Wifi". In many places you can already get free internet access with a notebook, tablet or smartphone.
More information...In Barcelona you will get goods for daily needs in smaller supermarkets around the clock. However, restaurants, shops and public facilities have their own opening times.
More information...Barcelona is well prepared for the special needs of people with disabilities. Public transportation is generally accessible for both mobility-impaired and visually impaired people. Furthermore there are many places of interest that are equipped for wheelchair users. Also the majority of hotels have rooms that are established for people with special needs.
More information...In principle, entry with pets or a dog is possible. Here we give you tips for your stay with your four-legged friend in Barcelona.
More information and booking...Public toilets on the streets are rare. Unfortunately, these are also not suitable for wheelchair users. At the service times of the beach there are countless toilets at each beach section.
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