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The Barcelona Marathon (08 May 2022)

Tens of thousands line the marathon route

The Barcelona Marathon 2022 - or the Zurich Marató de Barcelona, as it is officially named - takes place on 11 March. Start and finish of the 42,195 km long circular course is the Av. Reina Cristina. This is the street that ascends from the Plaça Espanya to MNAC at the Font Màgica. Behind the fountain, which is activated already during the day of the marathon and radiate its beautiful charm, there is the fair trade located here (Marató Expo). It starts two days before the marathon takes place.

Start of the marathon: 8.30.
Temperatures are between 10-17 ° C, mostly sunny weather is to be expected.
Approach: The best way is by subway, lines 1 and 3, Plaça Espanya.

The route is a circular course through Barcelona. The flat course runs through the city, first in a Western direction, passing any attractions such as the Camp Nou, a short distance on the Gran Via de les Cortes until Passeig de Grácia, the shopping mile in Barcelona, passing the Casa Milá and the Casa Batló, moving on to the Sagrada Familia and the Hospital de Sant Pau as well as the Torre Agbar, leaving behind the Parc de Cuitdadella and Arc de Triomf, to finally approach the starting point, when having passed the Gothic District which leaves you a short distance to the Rambla.

Tens of thousands of spectators line the route and cheer the participants.

Marató Expo

Traditionally the Marató Expo takes place two days before the marathon.

Registration for the marathon and fees

To apply for the marathon, please turn to the official website of the marathon. Until the first 10,000 registrations the fee is €61.50, up to 17,000 registrations €73.00 and from 17,001 registrations the fee is €84,00.

History of the Barcelona marathon

The first Barcelona Marathon took place in 1978. These first marathons, however, were not pure city courses, but they started in the coastal village of Mataró, about 15 km northeast of the Costa Brava. This course was almost identically run during the Olympic Summer Games in 1992. The Olympic marathon ended in the Olympic Stadium on the Montjuïc. The burdensome increase of approximately 200 metres during the last route was not expected of the athletes anymore in the following years.

From 2001 on, the marathon changed to become a pure city marathon. However, in 2005 it was relocated into the surrounding area between Castelldefels, Gavá and Sitges, due to a lack of approval from the city.

In 2006 then cooperation between the city and the organisation worked out better and the Barcelona marathon was again situated directly in Barcelona. In addition, a 10,000-meter run was put. Nowadays a "Breakfast"-run is on the day before the marathon, but the number of participants is limited to 2,000 participants.

In 2016, more than 16,000 people reached the goal. The winners were the Ethiopian Dino Sefir (2:09:31) among men and the winner Valary Jemeli Aiyabei (2:25:26) among women, from Kenia.