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Diplomatic Representations

Consulates in Barcelona help in emergencies

In a limited way consulates are able to help you. Top priority, however, is emergency consultation and advice. In rigorous, limited and exceptional cases, the consulate is allowed to give financial help, which of course has to be paid back. Hotel invoices, outstanding parking tickets or doctor’s bills will not be paid for.

Also consulates are not a travel agency. The consulate will help you in case you lost your passport and will provide a temporary substitute for your home journey. To make this easier, it is helpful if you already made some copies of your documents before your trip. Please also check the section entitled Safety, Robbery and Loss.

Addresses and opening times of some diplomatic missions in Barcelona (in alphabetical order)

The address of the German, Austrian and Swiss embassy can be found on our German side.

Argentina Consulate General of the Republic of Argentina
Address: Pg Gràcia, 11 B, 2n
Phone: +34 933 041 200 / +34 933 041 201 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9-14:00

Australia Consulate General of Australia
Address: Pl Placídia, 1*3, 1r
Phone: +34 934 909 013 / +34 934 110 904 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 10-12:00

Belgium Consulate General of Belgium
Address: Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes 680, àtic, 2
Phone: +34 934 677 080 / +34 934 877 669 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9-13:00, 14-16:00

Brazil Consulate General of Brazil
Address: Av Diagonal, 468, 2n
Phone: +34 934 882 288 / +34 934 872 645 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9:30-13:00

Bulgaria Consulate General of Republic of Bulgaria
Address: Pg Sant Joan, 73, pral-1a
Phone: +34 934 574 069 / +34 932 070 998 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 10:30-13:30

Canada Consulate General of Canada
Address: C Elisenda de Pinós, 10
Phone: +34 934 127 236 / +34 933 170 541 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 10-13:00

Chile Consulate General of Chile
Address: C Casp, 33 B, 2n-1a
Phone: +34 933 188 590 / +34 933 186 331 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9:-13:30

China Consulate General of the People's Republic of China
Address: Av Tibidabo, 34, bxs
Phone: +34 932 541 197 / +34 934 173 833 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9:30-13:30 (except 1st October)

Czech Consulate General of Czech Republic
Address: Trav Gràcia, 40*42, 5è-2a
Phone: +34 932 413 236 / +34 932 413 237 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 10-13:00

Finland Consulate General of Finland
Address: C Puig i Xoriguer, 17
Phone: +34 934 431 598 / +34934 424 100 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.- Fr., 9-13:00

France Consulate General of France
Address: Rda Universitat, 22*LB, 4t
Phone: +34 932 703 000 / +34 932 703 049 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9-13:30

Greece Consulate General of Greece
Address: Av Diagonal, 593, 6è-2a
Phone: +34 933 212 828 / +34 933 218 647 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9:30-12:30

Hungary Consulate General of Republic of Hungary
Address: Av Diagonal, 477, 19è
Phone: +34 934 051 950 / +34 934 194 608 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 10-12:30

India Consulate General of India
Address: C Teodor Roviralta, 21*23
Phone: +34 932 120 916 / +34 932 120 354 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 15-17:30

Ireland Consulate General of Ireland
Address: G.V. Carles III, 94, 10è-2a
Phone: +34 934 915 021 / +34 934 900 986 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 10-13:00

Italy Consulate General of Italy
Address: C Mallorca, 270, 1r
Phone: +34 934 677 305 / +34 934 870 002 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 10-12:30, Tue. only 15:30-17:30

Japan Consulate General of Japan
Address: Av Diagonal, 640, 2n-D
Phone: +34 932 803 433 / +34 932 804 496 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9-13:00

Luxembourg Consulate General of Luxembourg
Address: C Tuset, 8*10, 8è-4a
Phone: +34 932 922 266 / +34 932 373 720 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 10-14:00, 16-18:00

Netherlands Consulate General of Netherlands
Address: Av Diagonal, 611, Planta 4
Phone: +34 934 199 580 / +34 934 109 018 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 10-13:00

Perú Consulate General of Perú
Address: Av Roma, 157, 1r
Phone: +34 934 154 999 / +34 932 374 634 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9-15:00

Poland Consulate General of Republic of Poland
Address: Av Diagonal, 593*595, 6è
Phone: +34 933 220 542 / +34 933 222 907 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr. 10:30-12:30

Portugal Consulate General of Portugal
Address: Rda Sant Pere, 7, 1r-1a
Phone: +34 933 188 150 / +34 933 185 912 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9:30-14:00

Romania Consulate General of Romania
Address: C Sant Joan de la Salle, 35
Phone: +34 934 341 139 / +34 934 341 109 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 8:30-16:30

Russia Consulate General of Russia
Address: Av Pearson, 34, Torre
Phone: +34 932 805 432 / +34 932 805 541 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 10:30-13:30

Sweden Consulate General of Sweden
Address: C Mallorca, 279, 4t-3a
Phone: +34 934 882 501 / +34 934 882 746 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 10-13:00

Turkey Consulate General of Turkey
Address: C Pau Claris, 95, 4t-3a
Phone: +34 902 007 200 / +34 932 015 792 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9-14:00, 16-18:00

United Kingdom Consulate General of the United Kingdom
Address: Av Diagonal, 477, 13è
Phone: +34 902 109 356 / +34 933 666 221 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 8:30-13:30

USA Consulate General of the United States of America
Address: Pg Reina Elisenda Montcada, 23
Phone: +34 807 488 472 / +34 932 055 206 (fax)
Opening times: Mo.-Fr., 9-13:00, 15-17:00

The embassies of Germany GermanyAustria Austria and Switzerland Switzerland can be found on our German site.